Welding of process pipelines

Weld Tech Group – The main activity of the company is the installation of process pipelines from low-alloy, high-alloy steels, titanium and aluminum, production and installation of process equipment.

We work in Poland, Lithuania, Germany, and other countries.



    Responsible and professional provision of metal processing services and metal products in the local and international markets. Taking into account the needs and expectations of customers, ensure high quality and efficiency of work.

    Anton Parfonov

    Founder of the company Weld Tech Group

    We use certified and only high-quality equipment and materials

    All work is done exactly on time

    The work is performed by professionals with many years of experience, quality assurance


    Check prices and order a consultation with our specialist.

      We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.

      We work in Poland, Lithuania, Germany and other countries.

      Office adress:

      ul. Marsz. Józefa Piłsudskiego 74 lok. 320, Wrocław Pracze, Poland

      Weld Tech Group © All rights reserved.